Mina's Fantasy Photo Galleries
» March 7, 2009 - Burke's Bar in Yonkers
St. Paul's Reunion
Eugene and Jason know how to rock!
Ant plays it cool behind the drums
Jason rocks the birthday girl's night!
Mike likes flamenco...
Stick em up!
Ant is too cool for school
Awww Tina and Eugene are so cute
Jason takes a solemn oath...to rock!
Ant's always complaining there are no pics of him at...
Mike and Jason invade the crowd at Burke's
Sweet Child of Mine...or should I say Sweet Child of...
Flo and Keith can't help but sing along
And the award for best pictures from the show go to...
Even Mike can't help but sing!
Mina's Fantasy made their week!
Sally does the snake charmer dance
Thank the Lord...for Mina's Fantasy!
Glow sticks as hair accessories...nice!
Look out! He's comin to get ya!
Sally gets a little violent when people aren't enjoying...
All aboard the Eugene train!
Saturday night with Mina's Fantasy...what more could you...
Yeah....we rock...
Sing to me!
And the award for worst picture from the show goes to....
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