Mina's Fantasy Photo Galleries
» June 19, 2010 - Antonio, John, and Jamie's Birthday Bash at Danny Mac's!
Agents One and Zero get cozy...
John takes his guitar playing very seriously
Rock on
Willy....this is just scary...
Antonio gets excited for his first Birthday Bash with...
Um....what's going on here?
This does not look good...
What is Sally looking at here???
Um, are we about to sing or make out??
LOVE the shirt :)
Antonio works extra hard on his Birthday Show
Erin on air guitar
Just Dance...it'll be ok...dada doodoo
Happy Birthday!!
Make a wish...and don't spit on the cake!
Eugene's a sly dog...
Dan's the Man!
All the kids in the marketplace say....
Gotta love it!
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